Energy Medicine & Prayer

Why would we need love and spiritual mentorship if we have experienced Love, or already have a relationship with Spirit?

Like anything in life, we can always continue to improve our relationships in order to experience more of what we came here to do. We often pepper this into your care, but we created this page to remind you that without these 2 things - Love and Spirit, you will always be using techniques, and force to move forward. Which can be extremely tiring and unfulfilling.

You will always be searching for the next treatment, medication, book, retreat, practitioner, etc. and very much be in the same place as you started.

Whether you believe in God, Buddha, Creator, Universe, Allah, Jesus, Mahanta, etc. we can always build a more fulfilling relationship with Spirit than what we currently have. While exploring your care we will teach you how to experience more love through the powerhouse of the heart. We will help you navigate fears and help you cultivate more courage to keep going.